
Joe Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Joe Walk.
Head - overlaps and drags from the movement of the chest, light up and dip down
Chest - open to camera, light twist and compress
Hips - rotate to offset the chest, light circular motion, pushes forward, dips down, pulls back, and then up, twists to allow for the next leg push
Legs - left leg planted down and forward, right lifts off the board, steps down and pushes off the ground
Feet - left foot planted, right foot drags off the board, hits the ground with a little heel flop, peels back off, and lifts up back onto the board
Arms - left arm held out and to the side in front of the body with a little sway side to side, right arm dangles back with a light swing
Hands - left hand spreads and swings out side to side with overlap and drag on the fingers, right hand drags overlapping the movement of the arm and forearm extending into the fingers and thumb

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