
Animation Time! - Paper Bag Rig

Today's Inspiration:
My reason for that isn't all intellectual. It's a way of creating something that seems new. It's a very practical thing to do.

You know, I've been doing this for twenty years, and I'm continually dissatisfied. I make a religion of being dissatisfied. I don't think there is a point in doing a book and saying, "Isn't that wonderful?" Then you don't learn. When people ask what's the best book you ever did, there's no point in saying, "Oh, that was four years ago." That means everything since was worse, right? So I say, it's the next book. Then, you know, even though I've done the best book I think I can do, I know the book I'm going to do might be even better. It's all delusion, but it does keep one trying one's best.

- Arnold Lobel

Frog and Toad

Program - Maya 2014

Rig - Paper Bag

Animator's Bibles:
Character Animation Crash Course
Animator's Survival Kit
Illusion of Life
12 Principles of Animation
Drawn to Life

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