
New Techniques

I heard and read some new ideas to integrate into my drawings today. Numero uno: Draw with the arm, then the wrist, then the fingers, supposedly it helps free up your drawings and keep you from getting hand cramps. Numero dos: draw further away from the paper, so that you can see the whole image at once to make sure the proportions and perspectives are correct not only to what you are currently working on, but to the image as a whole. Lastly I think I need to draw a bit darker at least for the scanner to pick up my images better.

Miscellaneous Ruffians

Finished a sketchbook yesterday! So, I got to start a new one today. I'm not sure if I like the paper quality in this one as much, but it does seem to scan lighter which is nice. I've been using a Strathmore recycled paper sketchbook, but I'll give the new one a chance.