
Hoo Hoo

Got a lot of drawing done today. Worked a little rougher than usual, but got a lot more done. I'm really enjoying Walt Stanchfield's Drawn to Life Vol 1. I'm reading through it almost a page a day, and trying to take it in as much as I can. Today was about drawing simply to be more clear and effective. I like his take on draw one finger (the focus "action" finger) and the rest are just basic shapes. I think this will be the next book I draw through, but we'll see. I'm still loving Preston Blair though. Along with the usual study drawings, I put up a little red tree frog I drew for my friend Sarah.

Finch on the Quick

Today was quite the busy day. I had a long day at work and then went and saw How to Train Your Dragon in 3d. What a great movie! Rhys, I think, said it best. "This is the best kids movie since Totoro!" Sketches today are a bit rougher than usual, but they didn't turn out too bad :). A couple things I gleaned from my Podcast listenings today, from the Asifa Ahaa Podcast I believe it was Eddie Fitzgerald that said something to the effect of "If Anything is easy, you're probably doing it wrong." I really like that. Another idea that I want to put into action I heard about on the Ninja Mountain Podcast. They suggest keeping a library of images around your workspace that inspire you and write down on the images what inspires you or that you find interesting about them.