
Fin Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Fin Walk.
Head - jutted forward light bounce on the passing position
Chest - puffed forward light squish and sway on the passing position
Hips - light sway and twist rotates to offset the chest
Legs - low dragging steps
Feet - rotate back with a light toe flop
Arms - swing and drag behind the body
Hands - drag and overlap from the sway of the arms extending into the fingers and thumbs

Crooked Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Crooked Walk.
Head - tilted far back light bounce on the passing position
Chest - stretched far back light squash on the passing position
Hips - rotate to offset the chest slight upward on the passing position
Legs - leading the action low medium steps
Feet - wider gait slight rotate outward rotate back on the passing position with a little toe flop
Arms - dangle down past the head minimal swing
Hands - overlap and drag from the swing of the arms extending into the fingers and thumbs