
Wednesday Night Creature Night

Arm Press Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is an Arm Press Walk.
Head - light lean in and pull back
Chest - slight puff out twists and rotate side to side
Hips - extra side to side sway and rotate to offset the chest
Legs - medium gait low small steps
Feet - rotated out light drag back on the passing position small toe flop
Arms - flexed out to the side swing inward and back
Hands - fists overlap and drag from the swing of the arm and forearm

Butt Racer Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Butt Racer Walk.
Head - small dip down and rotate
Chest - Bent inward twist and rotate side to side with minimal compress and release
Hips - stutter scoot rotates to offset the chest and favor the leg movement
Legs - bent down stretch out and pull in
Feet - rotated up pull in and out before digging in and dragging the rest of the body
Arms - twist and swing side to side near the abdomen
Hands - rotate and twist to overlap the twist and swing of the arm and forearm