
Animation Time! - Malcolm Rig (Lip Sync Part 2)

Today's Inspiration:
That is the value of pictures to make us feel life and truth!

Anybody can learn to draw. It is ease to draw, but it is very difficult to think. You haven’t material with which to think because you are all blind. Most people are blind. They don’t really see what is around them. Mention some building they have seen a hundred times. They cannot give an accurate description of it from memory. Store your mind richly by cultivating your observation.

- Howard Pyle

Program - Maya 2014

Rig - Malcolm

Animator's Bibles:
Character Animation Crash Course
Animator's Survival Kit
Illusion of Life
12 Principles of Animation
Drawn to Life

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Malcolm Lip Sync Part 1 - Animation Time!

Today's Animation Time is part 1 of a lip sync guide using Anim School's Malcom Rig. Audio from the great Bob Ross!

Malcolm Rig

Bob Ross