There are so many different artists I love, and tons of beautiful completely unique styles that just amaze me. On top of that you've got to decide which of the thousands of mediums you want to use. Why is my little eye attracted to so much!

Gilligan stubbed his giraffe toe for the fifth time today!

Claude's turtle's response to finding out Claude ate the last of the Reese's Pieces.

Pirate a Day

Thinking quickly and with even faster reflexes our little hero spotted the flying fork and positioned himself to exactly where he hoped the sharp object would land, and fate being what she is, of course, the pointed utensil stuck in just the right spot.

While out looking for a new shower curtain today (don't ask), I perused the DVD section for any old animated classics that might be on sale. Nothing was really that great of a deal, but I did come across Fox and the Hound which I haven't seen in ages. Between listening to the Animation Podcast and watching the Disney family album I've been absorbed into Disney history lately. Especially the after Walt passed, 9 old men films or the 1967-1985 era. I find it so fascinating to see how the studio struggled, evolved and succeeded during this period. Anyways, on the back of the Fox and the Hound DVD, there was a list of bonus features, and that's when I was reminded of one of my absolute favorite and most memorable Disney shorts, Lambert the Sheepish Lion.
This cartoon is a perfect example of what the appeal of animation is. The characters are aesthetically pleasing and lovable, the story is cute and heartfelt, and the song is catchy as hell. What a great reminder of what makes this medium really shine. Thanks for the inspiration!