
Animation Time! - Box Creatures Bird Rig

Today's Inspiration:
“’That’s surprising.  Because every week I get a batch of cartoons from you – and I like your stuff, it’s pretty good – and every week your cartoons are about cultural stuff like art, music, history,  science.  But The Saturday Evening Post isn’t about such things. It’s a family magazine about ladies’ stockings hanging on the shower rail, kids stealing cookies out of the cookie jar, taking the dog to the vet.  Sure, our readers have heard of Picasso and Freud, but they’re not interested in jokes about them.  What they’re interested in is jokes about themselves … Well, does that make  any sense to you?’”

- Berenstain's

Berenstain Bears -

Program - Maya 2014

Rig - Box Creatures - Bird

Animator's Bibles:
Character Animation Crash Course
Animator's Survival Kit
Illusion of Life
12 Principles of Animation
Drawn to Life

Twitter: https://twitter.com/caseyturbos
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/caseyturbos
Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/caseyturbos

Box Biped Walk - Animation Time!

Today's Walk is a Box Biped Walk.
Head - light side to side shakes, with a little up and down
Chest - bent inward, light side to side twist and sway
Hips - rotate to offset the chest, with a little up and down bounce
Legs - low dragging backward steps
Feet - drag back on the passing position, land toe first
Arms - bent inward with a little swing
Hands - loose clench, overlap and drag from the swing of the arms and forearms extending into the fingers and thumbs

Animation Time! - Box Creatures Biped Rig

Today's Inspiration:
For me, a degree of ambiguity, or mystery, is the key ingredient of any artistic statement.

I often remind myself that animation is the creation of the illusion of spontaneity.
Because nothing is in fact less spontaneous than the process of animating.

- Peter Chung

Diablo III: Wrath

Program - Maya 2014

Rig - Box Creatures - Biped

Animator's Bibles:
Character Animation Crash Course
Animator's Survival Kit
Illusion of Life
12 Principles of Animation
Drawn to Life

Twitter: https://twitter.com/caseyturbos
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/caseyturbos
Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/caseyturbos

Box Quadruped Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Box Quadruped Walk.
Head - light dip down and bounce
Chest - puffed out, light raise and lower with a little tilt and sway side to side
Hips - rotate and bounce to offset the chest and allow for the next step
Tail - light bounce with side to side swing and twist
Legs - low medium steps
Feet - drag back on the passing position, land heel first