
Animation Time! - Mall Bicycle Rig

Today's Inspiration:
we see things our way, if i saw them differently i would have drawn them differently.

- Eduard Visan

Program - Maya 2014

Rig - Mall Bicycle

Animator's Bibles:
Character Animation Crash Course
Animator's Survival Kit
Illusion of Life
12 Principles of Animation
Drawn to Life

Twitter: https://twitter.com/caseyturbos
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/caseyturbos
Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/caseyturbos
Instagram: https://instagram.com/caseyturbos/
Tumblr: http://caseyturbos.tumblr.com/

Ball King - Animation Time!

Today's Animation Time features the Ball King Rig.
The ball king reaches up, misses, and reaches again. When he realized he can't reach, he droops back down, with delay and swing back in the arms extending out to the fingers.

Animation Time! - Ball King Rig

Today's Inspiration:
I’m not really sure what goes in my head having those kind of ideas although it seems to me that it looks really cool and I guess the whole concept is unique in some ways, so I give it a try then end up creating something like this.

- Reynan Sanchez

Program - Maya 2014

Rig - Ball King

Animator's Bibles:
Character Animation Crash Course
Animator's Survival Kit
Illusion of Life
12 Principles of Animation
Drawn to Life

Twitter: https://twitter.com/caseyturbos
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/caseyturbos
Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/caseyturbos
Instagram: https://instagram.com/caseyturbos/
Tumblr: http://caseyturbos.tumblr.com/

Dumb Man - Animation Time!

Today's Animation Time features the Dumb Man Rig.
Head - light tilt and sway side to side
Chest - bent over, light sway and twist
Hips - rotate to offset the chest and allow for the next step
Legs - low backwards steps
Feet - drag back on the passing position, land with a little flop in the toes
Arms - hang down and drag
Hands - grasp the pole light keep alive and regrip