
I'm Mr. 10 below

I'm really enjoying these Preston Blair movement cycles. They are challenging and fun, and in the end you can flip them and make them move! I still need to find a balance between my perfectionist mentality and the amount of time I have, but I'm starting to feel the benefits from putting in the time!

Since Rhys loves Unicorns it was only a matter of time until Gilligan visited that land.

Our little hero cowering in the presence of an Gristle the Ice Lord.

Claude and his turtle attend the annual beard festival.

I recently found out about Jerzy Drozd and Kevin Cross' other podcast the Saturday Supercast and wow what a treat. They delve into cartoons like nothing I've ever heard before. The episode I listened to was about Christmas Specials, and mainly A Year Without a Santa Claus. I can't believe I had almost forgot about Rankin and Bass. I used to love their holiday specials. Not only did they have crazy stories and catchy songs, but you instantly fall in love with everyone of their characters. I did some searching and found a couple of artists who had connections with Rankin and Bass mainly Paul Coker, Don Duga, Bob Camp, and Jack Davis. Thanks for the Inspiration!