Visualize Visualize Visualize!
Last night I finally signed up for Don's Club, the Don Bluth Animation course, now I'm kicking myself that I didn't do it sooner. Tonight was my first class and it was chock full of information. I don't usually take notes, but I ended up with a page full of notes and a page full of drawings.
The main theme he had for us today was Visualize. What makes creative people valuable is that they can never really be replaced. As Rual from ManvsArt says, "be yourself cause no one else can be" or something to that effect. That being said our creativity and our skill come from our visualization, before you do anything visualize what you are going to do and try to get as close to that as you can. Whether it's animating, caricaturing, drawing, story-boarding, illustrating, whatever visualize, visualize, visualize!
Here's a quick glimpse at today's notes. (Note to self: use darker pencils!)
(second page of just notes and like always click to enlarge)
Today's concern week pose is Sorrowful Concern.
Here's a little concept design I'm working on that I might turn into a logo, or menu for the site later on.
(Gilligan, Claude's Turtle, Claude, and the Little Hero)