
Pizza Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Pizza Walk.
Head - light side to side sway
Chest - puffed out minimal compression and side to side twist
Hips - rotate to offset the chest and favor the next step
Legs - small low steps
Feet - drag back on the passing position light toe flop
Arms - relaxed out front of the body holding the pizza box
Hands - holding the box left hand drags back and slips off the box right hand raises the box up and out

Big Box Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Big Box Walk.
Head - light dip and drag down
Chest - bent over slight compress and twist side to side
Hips - rotate to offset the chest drag down
Legs - bent low steps
Feet - drag back on the passing position light toe flop
Arms - medium stretch out to the sides light side to side sway to keep the box balanced
Hands - holding the box tight light compress on the fingers and wrists