
Hunched Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Hunched Walk.
Head - very subtle drag down on the passing position
Chest - very hunched and caved inward slight up on the passing position
Hips - lots of side to side sway with a bit of up and down on the passing position
Legs - extra bent due to the low position of the hips small low steps
Feet - drag back with toe flop on the contact
Arms - bent and inward to compliment the rest of the bent up hunched body
Hands - very little drag on the backward most swing


Uneasy Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is an Uneasy Walk.
Head - slight bob down and drag back up
Chest - curved down and inward with a slight up release and lean back on the passing position
Hips - Hip on the contact down on the passing side to side move on the passing as well
Legs - low, slow steps
Feet - hold before each step for 3 frames toe drags back
Arms - Left arm very light swing with a slight break on the swing forward right arm holding the hand up to rub the neck with a slight rotate down as the body moves upward
Hands - Left hand extends the movement of the left arm Right hand rotates inward to rub as the arm rotates away from the body with slight finger rub from 24 - 36


Flap Flap Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Flap Flap Walk.
Head - slight lean back on the passing position
Chest - Straightens and turns to the side on the passing position
Hips - light up and down with rotate to lean the hips into the leg movement
Legs - straight on the passing position high steps
Feet - rotate back and flop up before the contact
Arms - outstretched to the side drag up then break on the way down to add fluidity
Hands - follow the movement of the arms with a bit of drag and overlap into the fingers


Quite Angry Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Quite Angry Walk.
Head - slight tilt up and back on the passing position
Chest - straightens a bit on the passing position then back down to puffed out on the contact
Hips - dip down low with a pop up on the passing position
Legs - high steps with a quick foot plant
Feet - rotate back then flop down
Arms - fast swings broken forearm on the swing forward to accentuate the speed
Hands - follow the movement of the arms with a little bit of drag


Wide Feet Walk - Walk a Day

Head - dips down on the passing position
Chest - puffs out on the passing position
Hips - offset the chest and dip down on the contact position
Legs - high steps with a straight leg on the passing position
Feet - rotated outward drag down on the step
Arm - bent with a slight sway
Hands - follow the movement of the arms with a bit of extra drag on the swing forward


Anticipate The Step Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is an Anticipate the Step Walk.
Head - leans in as the body leans back then back as the body leans forward into each step
Chest - pulls back like a spring then forward into the next step
Hips - offset the movement of the chest with a dip down in the middle
Legs - pull back in anticipation for each step
Feet - rotate back and flip forward
Arms - drag behind the movement of the chest
Hands - follow the motion of the arms with a bit of drag and overlap


Dip Down Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Dip Down Walk.
Head - delayed with extra drag off the movement of the chest then pulls back
Chest - Pulls and out on 12s every other contact position
Hips - Dip down and up every 12 frames instead of 6
Legs - low steps to accommodate the dip down on the hips
Feet - Rotate back with a toe break and slight toe flop on the contact
Arms - break on the swing forward to loosen up the movement
Hands - follow the movement of the arms delayed slightly with swing extended to the fingers and thumbs


Granny Shot Practice Walk - Walk a Day

Today's walk is a Granny Shot Practice Walk.
Head - Drags back after the throw and falls forward in anticipation
Chest - curves down and inward in anticipation for the toss and then back and out
Hips - dip down in anticipation and offsets the movement of the chest
Legs - wide settle steps
Feet - rotate back with a toe break  and settle quick with a toe flop
Arms - pull down and inward in anticipation of the throw then up and back
Hands - overlap and drag the movement of the arms


How to Walk into a Bar Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a How to Walk into a Bar Walk.
Head - flops back on the contact and tips forward on the passing position
Chest - curved back with a slight straightening on the passing position
Hips - extra up and down with boosted side to side rotate
Legs - straighten slightly on the passing position
Feet - rotate down with a slight toe flop on the contact
Arms - pull forward with a light swing back broken forearm on the forward swing
Hands - extend the movement of the arms into the fingers and thumbs


Re-Step Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Re-Step Walk.
Head - leans down and forward on the passing position
Chest - caves inward on the passing position and back on the contact
Hips - up and down heavy and rotate to offset the chest
Legs - straighter on the contact bent down on the passing position hold for 6 frames for the contact of the restep
Feet - rotate back with toe forward
Arms - swing with a broken forearm on the swing forward
Hands - follow the movement of the arms right hand fingers extend the sway of the arms


Lean Back Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Lean Back Walk.
Head - Drags back and bounces forward
Chest - Leaned back with a further lean on the passing position
Hips - lots of up and down
Legs - small back heavy steps
Feet - rotate back then flat down
Arms - Slight swing back and forth with each step mostly breaking joints to show movement
Hands - follow the movement of the arms with exaggerated fingers and thumbs


Swoosh Swoosh Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Swoosh Swoosh Walk.
Head - pretty vanilla slight up on the passing position
Chest - y and z rotate heavy light on the x (side to side rather than back and forth)
Hips - dip on the passing position
Legs - linger heavily on the floor then flip forward
Feet - rotate back before flat
Arms - Shoulders lead the movement with slight forearm break before the swing forward
Hands - follow the movement of the arms


Wibble Wobble Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Wibble Wobble Walk.
Head - falls forward and flops back
Chest - pulls in and forward and out and back
Hips - dip down on the passing position
Legs - straighter legs on the first middle and end positions to extend the line of action
Feet - high front rotate steps
Arms - anticipate the swing forward and swing back
Hands - extend the movement on the arms and extend it into the fingers and thumbs


Regal Walk - Walk a Day

Today's walk is a Regal Walk.
Head - Slight up on the passing position
Chest - puffed out with the bigger puff on the passing position
Hips - light up and down with lots of side to side rotate
Legs - straight on the passing position
Feet - pull up and back then forward
Arms - left arm dragging behind with a bit of shoulder rotate extended into the forearm and wrist, right arm bent and held near the chest slight rotate on the passing position
Hands - left hand follows the movement of the arm slight drag on the fingers right hand clenched near chest


No No No Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a No No No Walk.
Head - delayed shakes side to side with slight up and back
Chest - up and back on the passing position
Hips - extra up and down and side to side
Legs - bent on the contact straighter on the passing position
Feet - rotate back with subtle heel roll on the contact position
Arms - sing and cross inward and back out to the side
Hands - overlap the movement of the arms and extend into the fingers


I'm Late Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is an I'm Late Walk.
Head - pulls up and inward on the passing position
Chest - Lean forward on the contact and pulls back slightly on the passing position extra shoulder rotate
Hips - up and down with a bit of side to side rotate
Legs - straighter legs on the contact position to show weight and speed
Feet - ball roll as the feet lift off the group rotate back and then heel roll forward on the contact
Arms - very straight slight break on the swing back
Hands - slight break forward on the swing back


Heavy Shoulders Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a heavy shoulders walk.
Head - slight pull back on the passing position
Chest - puffs out on the passing position
Hips - side to side and rotate to offset the chest
Legs - very vanilla mostly bent
Feet - small steps with a big rotate backward
Arms - slight break on the backward swing
Hands - overlap the movement of the arms extended into the fingers
Shoulders - over-exaggerated pull back and up on the back swing and down and forward on the front move


Side Shuffle Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Side Shuffle Walk.
Head - Leans to the side with each passing position
Chest - side curves lead the action
Hips - Up and down with side to side to create little circles in the movement
Legs - stutter steps
Feet -  rotate and slide into place
Arms - make little circles to compliment the movement of the hips
Hands - overlap the movement of the arms and drag a bit


Tippy Toe Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Tippy Toe Walk.
Head - pulls back on the contact position and forward on the passing
Chest - curves backward on the contact position and inward on the passing
Hips - extra up and down with rotate to offset the chest
Legs - bent high steps
Feet - ball roll bounce while contacting rotate backward while passing
Arms - little backward circles on each step with breaking joints
Hands - compliment and overlap the movement of the arms extended into the fingers and offset by index pinky and thumb


Heel Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Heel Walk.
Head - slight tip side to side
Chest - pulls inward and to the side on the passing position
Hips - extra up and down rotate to offset the chest
Legs - mostly bent with a straight leg on the passing position
Feet - heel roll highest and lowest on the passing position
Arms - successive movement lead by the shoulders
Hands - extend the movement of the arms into the fingers lead by the index finger


Spin Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Spin Walk.
Head - turns slowly following the chest
Chest - rotates side to side favoring the planted foot
Hips - up and down with lots of side rotate
Legs - Lead the action lots of rotate
Feet - rotate back and to the side with floppy toes
Arms - follow the action break at the elbows slight up and down rotate as well
Hands - delayed following the movement of the arms extended out into the fingers


A Little Too Much Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Little Too Much Walk.
Head - Falls forward on the passing position and pulls back on the contact
Chest - heavy lean forward on the passing position pull back on the contact
Hips - slow little bit of up and down lots of side to side and rotate
Legs - wide slow steps that cross over the path of the other foot
Feet - flop outward rotate in and back floppy toes
Arms - wide sweeping motions broken joints and overlap
Hands - overlap heavy on the passing position


Fancy Lumberjack Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Fancy Lumberjack Walk.
Head - leans back on the contact position and pulls down and inward on the passing position
Chest - Puffs out on the contact position
Hips - extra up and down and side to side rotate
Legs - Straight leg on the passing position and contact position
Feet - Lots of Heel roll on the contact position
Arms - Swinging back and forth side to side
Hands - Left hand swings the axe back and up the releases into just the right on the down and forward movement right hand maintains the most weight and movement of the axe


Strong Man Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Strong Man Walk.
Head - delayed dips down on the passing position
Chest - puffs back on the contact position
Hips - offset the chest with added up and down
Legs - straight back leg on the contact position highest before the contact to emphasize the weight of the step
Feet - delay rotate back then flop down
Arms - Left arm breaks backward and flings forward right arm pulls down with the weight of the barbell and pushes back up
Hands - left overlaps the break from the arm right twists slightly with the weight of the barbell


Dance with Me Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Dance with Me Walk.
Head - pulls back on the passing position and bounces down on the contact
Chest - stretches back slightly on the passing position
Hips - lots of highs and lows with extra side to side rotation and translation
Legs - anticipate the step a few extra frames
Feet - rotate back and step hard
Arms - Left arm bounces with each step right arm slight movement to keep alive, but still hold the pose
Hands - Left hand delayed a few frames from the arm right hand delayed overlap


Floppy Feet Walk - Walk a Day

Today's walk is a Floppy Feet Walk.
Head - pulls back on the passing position
Chest - pulls back on the contact position
Hips - lots of side to side and up and down
Legs - pull back then high up before the contact position
Feet - rotate backward then flop forward
Arms - swing back and forth forearm breaks on the swing forward to loosen up the movement
Hands - follow the movement of the arms with a bit of overlap


Heavy Labored Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Heavy Labored Walk.
Head - pulls back and inward on the passing position
Chest - pulls up and back on the passing position
Hips - down on the passing position and up for a few frames on the contact before dropping down again
Legs - slow hard steps up extra high before the contact
Feet - rotate back with floppy toes
Arms - slow swings focused on the drag back
Hands - overlap and drag from the motion of the arms extended into the fingers and thumbs


Low Ceiling Walk - Walk a Day

Head - held to the right squashes on the passing position
Chest - curved to the right with lots of twists to allow for movement in confined space
Hips - leads the movement of the legs and offsets the chest
Legs - short high steps
Feet - pull back and rotate forward
Arms - left arm pulled down right arm straight down swing back and forth
Hands - overlap the movement of the arms extends into the thumbs and fingers


Extra Sleepy Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is an Extra Sleepy Walk.
Head - lifts ever so slightly on the passing position
Chest - pulls in and up on the passing position
Hips - up and down and rotate but gradually get closer to the ground
Legs - labored slow steps
Feet - labored lift to the steps drag back and pull up before the contact
Arms - slow swing back and forth with each step
Hands - overlap the movement of the arms extending into the fingers and thumbs


Double Bounce Butt Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Double Bounce Butt Walk.
Head - leans back on the passing position
Chest - puffs out just a bit more on the passing position
Hips - up and down on the passing and contact position then dips again on the breakdowns between the two
Legs - bouncy high steps
Feet - drag back then flop down
Arms - little inward circles
Hands - overlap and drag following the motion of the arms

quick sketchy love


Mysterious Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Mysterious Walk.
Head - sticks out on the passing position then tucks back on the contact
Chest - caves inward on the passing position
Hips - lots of up and down and side to side rotate
Legs - Slow high steps
Feet - up on the ball roll on the passing position pull back and flop forward
Arms - bent inward left arm guards the face right arm stretches outward
Hands - left hand glides by the face right hand flicks outward

Happy New Year!