
Groove Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Groove Walk.
Head - side to side overlap drag on the chin
Chest - swing and compress side to side
Hips - overlap the swing and sway of the chest extra side to side sway
Legs - wide gait low medium steps
Feet - drag on the passing position low toe flop
Arms - swing and drag side to side
Hands - overlap and drag from the swing of the arm and forearm extending into the fingers


Scolding Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Scolding Walk.
Head - light raise then shake overlap on the chin
Chest - bent over light side to side sway and squash
Hips - rotate to offset the chest
Legs - low small steps
Feet - drag back on the passing position light toe flop
Arms - Left arm perched and resting on the back Right arm raised subtle swing
Hands - left hand clenched resting on the back right hand drags back then waggles and points forward


Wednesday Night Creature Night

Prisoner Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Prisoner Walk.
Head - light slow dip down
Chest - bent inward light twist and squish side to side
Hips - rotate to offset the chest slight side to side sway
Legs - knees bent inward medium small steps
Feet - rotated inward drag back on the passing position low toe flop
Arms - held out in front light raise and release
Hands - hang down drag down further


Don't Spill Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Don't Spill Walk.
Head - angled down light bob
Chest - relaxed inward light side to side squish and sway
Hips - rotate to offset the chest light up and down
Legs - medium steps
Feet - rotate back on the passing position little toe flop
Arms - relaxed held out light raise and sway
Hands - holding cups light overlap from the sway of the arms grip tightens

Pregnant Belly Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Pregnant Belly Walk.
Head - leaned forward light compress and release
Chest - pulled back belly forward light sway and twist
Hips - side to side twist rotate to favor the next step
Legs - small wide gait steps
Feet - rotated out drag back on the passing position light toe flop
Arms - Left arm pressed against the back light sway and rub, Right Arm relaxed and held out
Hands - Left hand overlaps the swing of the arm and forearm light rub and pressure on the fingers, Right hand light raise and settle overlapping the swing of the arm and forearm


Waddly Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Waddly Walk.
Head - light sway and twist side to side
Chest - relaxed bend light twist and compress side to side
Hips - rotate to offset the chest extra side to side sway and twist
Legs - low small steps
Feet - rotated inward drag back on the passing position little toe flop
Arms - held out light relax small swing
Hands - held out light swing overlap and drag from the swing of the arm and forearm extending into the fingers and thumbs


Head Scratch Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Head Scratch Walk.
Head - bent down and over light dip and bob inward
Chest - bent inward and over light side to side sway and squish
Hips - rotate to offset the chest twist to favor the next step
Legs - medium steps
Feet - drag back on the passing position little toe flop
Arms - left arm relaxed dangle with a light swing, right arm perched upward near the head, light swing and sway
Hands - left hand overlaps and drags from the swing of the arm and forearm, right hand overlaps from the swing of the arm and forearm with extra scratchy fingers


Sore Wrist Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Sore Wrist Walk.
Head - tilted up and back light sway and dip
Chest - bent back and up light compress and release
Hips - rotate to offset the chest extra side to side rotate
Legs - medium raised steps
Feet - extra ball roll resting on the the toes drag back on the passing position low toe flop
Arms - left arm raised up, right arm supporting it light raise and release then shake
Hands - left hand light swing overlapping and dragging from the movement of the arm and forearm, right hand grasping and rubbing the left wrist, overlaps the movement of the arm and forearm


Bad Posture Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Bad Posture Walk.
Head - bent down and out light bounce and head shake
Chest - curved inward light compress and release
Hips - rotate to offset the chest and favor the next step
Legs - low medium steps
Feet - light rotate inward feet drag back on the passing position small toe flop
Arms - shoulders raised arms hold the chest close
Hands - light swing on the forearm extending and overlapping into the wrist and fingers


Wednesday Night Creature Night

Foot Roll Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Foot Roll Walk.
Head - light dip and bounce
Chest - caved inward light side to side swing and twist
Hips - rotate to offset the chest and favor the next step
Legs - bent inward small low steps
Feet- rolled inward weight on the side drag back on the passing position low toe roll
Arms - dangle downward light side to side sway extra shoulder swing
Hands - drag downward overlap and drag from the swing of the arm and forearm extending into the fingers


Wide Sashay Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Wide Sashay Walk.
Head - light sway side to side overlap on the head and chin
Chest - puffed out slight side to side rotate and twist
Hips - low down rotate to offset the chest and favor the next step
Legs - wide small steps extra bend
Feet - rotated out drag back and down on the passing position
Arms - outstretched to the side light dip and swing
Hands - relaxed stretch outward overlap and drag from the swing of the arm and forearm extending into the fingers and thumbs


Inspect Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is an Inspect Walk.
Head - extended forward eases down and inward
Chest - curved over bends and squishes down even further
Hips - low down rotated to offset the chest extra side to side squish and sway
Legs - low bent steps
Feet - extra ball roll drag and favor the back on the passing position little toe flop
Arms - left arm light small swing right arm held up near the face eases downward
Hands - left hand overlaps and drags from the swing of the arm and forearm extending into the fingers and thumb right hand holds the magnifying glass near the face then down near the ground grip tightens


Perch Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Perch Walk.
Head - light dip down and pull in
Chest - bent over light compress and release with a little side to side lean
Hips - rotate to offset the chest and favor the next step
Legs - pull up and back medium high steps
Feet - drag back flop forward light toe flop
Arms - pulls up into the chest small swing
Hands - curled up and inward light overlap and drag from the swing and sway of the arm and forearm light little swing in the fingers


Heel Step Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Heel Step Walk.
Head - light dip and bob on the passing position
Chest - bent over light bounce and side to side squash
Hips - pulled back rotate to offset the chest little bounce
Legs - small close steps
Feet - balance on the heel rotate back on the passing position overlap on the toes
Arms - resting outward to help balance the body minimal swing
Hands - held out overlap the movement of the arm and forearm light drag on the fingers


Wiggle Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Wiggle Walk.
Head - light sway and twist side to side
Chest - bent inward light sway squash side to side
Hips - light sway and rotate into extra twist and sway
Legs - medium gait medium steps
Feet - drag back on the passing position light toe flop
Arms - bent up near the chest light swing
Hands - loose grip light drag and overlap from the swing of the arm and forearm


Wheels Walk - Walk a Day

Today's walk is a Wheels Walk.
Head - light lean forward and drag back
Chest - pulls forward light twist and sway
Hips - rotate to offset the chest
Legs - resting light raise and adjust
Feet - overlap the raise and adjust of the legs
Arms - light swing to help propel the wheel
Hands - swing and overlap from the movement of the arm and forearm grip and guide the wheel


Wednesday Night Creature Night

Busted Foot Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Busted Foot Walk.
Head - light drag down and push forward then back
Chest - slight hunch extra side to side compress
Hips - rotate to offset the chest and balance the legs
Legs - left leg propels the movement medium small steps right leg drags behind
Feet - left foot drags on the passing position low toe flop
Arms - bent up and inward minimal swing
Hands - relaxed drag and overlap from the swing of the arm and forearm slight closed fist with a little extra drag in the fingers


Injured Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is an Injured Walk.
Head - little drag and bounce
Chest - light puff out rotate to favor the left side light squash and stretch
Hips - rotate to offset the chest extra twist and squish
Legs - left leg light little jump right leg small swing
Feet - left foot drags back medium slam down little toe flop
Arms - left arm light little swing dragging down right arm delayed light swing
Hands - left hand slight clench overlaps the swing of the arm and forearm extending into the fingers and thumbs


Missing Bits Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Missing Bits Walk.
Head - looking down light side to side sway
Chest - bent down and inward light side to side twist
Hips - rotate to offset the chest extra side to side sway
Legs - small medium steps
Feet - rotated inward drag back on the passing position little toe flop
Arms - relaxed outward in front of the body left arm swings in right arm light swing back and forth
Hands - left hand drags back and swings in to inspect the abdomen right hand overlaps and drags from the swing of the arm and  forearm


Dismembered Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Dismembered Walk.
Head - drops down and swings out overlap and drag in the jaw
Chest - curved inward light squash and twist
Hips - rotate to offset the chest rotate to favor the next step
Legs - low small steps left foot drags
Feet - left foot rotated inward drags back  right foot drags back on the passing position small toe flop
Arms - light swing dangle downward
Hands - left hand light overlap and drag from the swing of the arm and forearm fingers contorted light swing right forearm overlaps the swing of the arm


Big Feet Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Big Feet Walk.
Head - light bob
Chest - slight lean inward extra side to side sway and stretch
Hips - extra side to side sway rotate to offset the chest and favor the next step
Legs - medium wide steps
Feet - extra large pull up on the passing position extra toe drag and flop
Arms - light swing dangle and drag down
Hands - loose fists light overlap and drag from the swing of the arm and forearm extending into the fingers


Coughing Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Coughing Walk.
Head - swings down and out pulls back then out again
Chest - caved inward pushes forward drags back
Hips - rotate to offset the chest light side to side sway
Legs - small low steps left leg dominant
Feet - drag back on the passing position light toe flop
Arms - out in-front of the body light pull in and relax
Hands - left hand held out in front right hand clenched to help cover the mouth light overlap and drag following the movement of the arm and forearm


Sore Spine Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Sore Spine Walk.
Head - low dip and drag down
Chest - light compress and drag down
Hips - rotate to offset the chest drag lower light side to side sway
Legs - low wider small steps
Feet - rotated out drag back on the passing position little toe flop
Arms - left arm pressed against the back right arm stretched and dragging out and back
Hands - overlap and drag from the movement of the arm and forearm


Diving Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Diving Walk.
Head - bent down and inward light sway and dip
Chest - squished down and in small sway and twist
Hips - rotate to offset the chest light rotate and twist
Legs - medium small steps
Feet - drag back on the passing position little toe flop
Arms - bent out and forward light sway and dip
Hands - forward held together light overlap and sway from the swing of the arm and forearm


Tension Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Tension Walk.
Head - bent down and inward medium head shakes
Chest - caved inward light compress and twist
Hips - rotate to offset the chest
Legs - small low steps
Feet - drag back on the passing position light toe flop
Arms - up near the head light lift and drop
Hands - rub the forehead light drop down and push up compress and rub on the fingers and thumbs overlap the movement on the wrist


Contorted Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Contorted Walk.
Head - light side to side sway and minimal dip inward
Chest - contorted and pushed down and over, light squish and side to side twist
Hips - rotate to offset the chest, extra side to side rotate and sway
Legs - small medium steps lead the action
Feet - drag back on the passing position light toe flop
Arms - outstretched to the sides light swing
Hands - outstretched, overlap the swing of the arm and forearm extending into the fingers and thumbs


Woo Woo Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Woo Woo Walk.
Head - light raise and sway
Chest - curved inward extra side to side sway and twist
Hips - rotate to offset the chest extra side to side sway
Legs - small medium steps
Feet - extra ball roll drag back on the passing position medium toe flop
Arms - raised above the head medium swing
Hands - overlap and drag from the swing of the arm and forearm extending into the fingers and the thumbs

Sinking Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Sinking Walk.
Head - light dip inward and swing
Chest - puffed out light twist and sway
Hips - drag down extra twist and rotate side to side
Legs - medium sinking steps
Feet - sunk down
Arms - raised out light swing and raise
Hands - overlap and raise from the swing of the arm and forearm


Limbo Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Limbo Walk.
Head - drags back light bounce
Chest - pulled back light twist and sway
Hips - rotate to offset the chest and leaned forward to maintain balance
Legs - lead the action with the hips medium small steps
Feet - drag back on the passing position light toe flop
Arms - relaxed outstretched forward to help maintain balance
Hands - light drag overlapping the sway of the arm and forearm


Chair Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Chair Walk.
Head - light dip forward and down
Chest - puffed out light compress and twist side to side
Hips - bent sitting rotate to offset the chest and allow the next step
Legs - small scuffle steps
Feet - scoot tethered to the chair drag back on the passing position light toe flop
Arms - tied behind the chair light swing
Hands - slight clench and swing overlapping the movement of the arm and forearm tied together

Wednesday Night Creature Night

Formal Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Formal Walk.
Head - light sway and compress
Chest - puffed out, extra side to side twist and compress
Hips - extra side to side twist and rotate
Legs - low medium steps
Feet - rotate back on the passing position medium toe flop
Arms - raised up near the chest and behind the back light hold swing and switch
Hands - overlap and drag from the swing of the arm and forearm light clench and release


Pipe Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Pipe Walk.
Head - light sway and compress side to side
Chest - hangs down and bent inward extra side to side twist and sway
Hips - light bounce rotate and twist to offset the chest
Legs - light raise and slide
Feet - light rotate up and back little toe flop
Arms - hold the weight of the chest light drop and swing
Hands - grasp the pipe overlap and release on the fingers and wrists