
Knee Hug Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Knee Hug Walk.
Head - drops down and lifts up
Chest - bent over, light twist and compress
Hips - low down, rotate to offset the chest
Legs - low, very small, steps
Feet - light drag back with a mini toe flop
Arms - cradle the legs, light swing out and in
Hands - cup the legs, drag out and pull back in, overlapping on the fingers


Defensive Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Defensive Walk.
Head - light tip up and inward on the passing position
Chest - bent inward, light pull back and compress down
Hips - light bounce, rotate to offset the chest
Legs - low, medium side steps
Feet - rotated to the side, drag back on the passing position with a little toe flop
Arms - held up near the chest, light swing
Hands - loose fists, overlap and drag from the swing of the arms and forearms extending into the fingers


2 Hands 1 Foot Walk - Walk a Day

Today's walk is a 2 Hands 1 Foot Walk.
Head - light bounce on the passing position
Chest - bent over, light compress and release
Hips - rotate to offset the chest, extra bouncy
Legs - Left Leg helps maintain balance, low small steps, Right Leg drags behind with a light bounce
Feet - Left Foot extra ball roll, drags back on the passing position with a little toe flop, Right Foot, extra bouncy, overlaps the movement of the thigh and shin
Arms - prop up the body, low medium movements
Hands - rest on the knuckles, drag back on the passing position with a little finger compression


Butt Scratch Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Butt Scratch Walk.
Head - light tip and sway side to side
Chest - puffed out, extra side to side twist
Hips - angled back, rotate to offset the chest
Legs - low medium steps
Feet - rotated outward, drag back on the passing position with a little toe flop
Arms - Left Arm light swing, Right arm pulled back, light raise and drop
Hands - Left Hand overlaps the movement of the arm and forearm, Right Hand - overlaps and drags from the movement of the arm and forearm and allows for the fingers to scratch


Sip Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Sip Walk.
Head - looks down, then tips forward and back as the mouth opens
Chest - bent inward, light compress and sway side to side
Hips - rotate to offset the chest and favor the next step
Legs - low small steps
Feet - drag back on the passing position with a low toe flop
Arms - Left Arm has a light swing, Right Arm held out then tips up
Hands - Left Hand overlaps the swing of the left arm, Right Hand grasps the cup, drags it back, and tips it upward


Present Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Present Walk.
Head - focused forward, minimal dip
Chest - puffed out, light sway and compress side to side
Hips - rotate to offset the chest and favor the next step
Legs  - small, low steps
Feet - drag back on the passing position with a low toe flop
Arms - Left Arm held behind the back swings forward, Right arm light swing
Hands - Left Hand clutches the present and drags it out front, Right Hand overlaps and drags from the swing of the arm and forearm


Wednesday Night Creature Night - Christmas Eve Edition!

Torso Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Torso Walk.
Head - flops inward and down
Chest - bent over, light release and compress
Hips - rotate to offset the chest, drag behind
Arms - push forward and propel the torso
Hands - drag back on the passing position, light finger flop

Downstairs Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Downstairs Walk.
Head - light bounce on the chin overlapping the neck
Chest - puffed out, slight compress and release
Hips - extra bouncey, slight side to side twist and rotate
Legs - medium low steps
Feet - drag back on the passing position with a little toe flop
Arms - held up near the chest, light bounce on the passing position
Hands - light flop, overlapping the bounce of the arms and forearms extending into the fingers and thumbs


Bend Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Bend Walk.
Head - minimal dip inward
Chest - bent over. slight compress and twist
Hips - rotate to offset the chest and allow for the next step
Legs - low, small steps
Feet - drag back on the passing position with a little toe flop
Arms - dangle downward with a small swing
Hands - hang down and overlap the movement of the arms and forearms extending into the fingers and thumbs

Neckless Walk- Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Neckless Walk.
Head - rests on the chest, light dip down
Chest - bent inward, small sway and compress side to side
Hips - slight up and down, rotates to offset the chest
Legs - small medium steps
Feet - drag back on the passing position with a little toe flop
Arms - medium swing
Hands - overlap and drag from the swing of the arms and forearms extending into the fingers and thumbs


Tree Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Tree Walk.
Head - minimal bounce and dip
Chest - bent over light compress and release
Hips - little bounce, rotate to offset the chest
Legs - medium wide steps
Feet - lightly rotated outward, drag back on the passing position with a little toe flop
Arms - propped up, minimal swing,
Hands - clench the trunk of the tree, grips a bit tighter

Scruffle Crawl Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Scruffle Crawl Walk.
Head - light drag and bounce downward
Chest - bent over, extra side to side twist and compress
Hips - extra bouncy, rotate to offset the chest
Legs - low small bent steps
Feet - extra ball roll, light drag back on the passing position with a little toe flop
Arms - prop up the chest, low small moves
Hands - clenched drag back on the passing position, slightly tighter grip on the fingers on the contact positions


Down Low Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Down Low Walk.
Head - little drag on the neck and bounce from the chin
Chest - bent inward, light compress and release with a bit of side to side twist
Hips - low down, rotate to offset the chest, light up and down
Legs - small, medium-wide steps
Feet - rotated outward, drag back on the passing position with a little toe flop
Arms - minimal swing
Hands - loose clench, overlap and drag from the swing of the arms and forearms

Wednesday Night Creature Night


Irate Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is an Irate Walk.
Head - light bounce, chin grinds teeth side to side
Chest - puffed out, light compress and release
Hips - extra side to side twist with a little bounce
Legs - small close steps
Feet - lightly rotated outward, extra stompy with a small toe flop
Arms - held close to the chest
Hands - shake and clench tighter


Lumber Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Lumber Walk.
Head - light tip down and out
Chest - bent inward, light sway and compress side to side
Hips - rotate to offset the chest, slight delay down position
Legs - low small steps with a wide gait
Feet - rotated outward, drag back on the passing position with a low toe flop
Arms - held out, holding the lumber minimal sway
Hands - grip the lumber, light keep alive on the fingers

Don't Look Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Don't Look Walk.
Head - light dip downward
Chest - bent inward, extra compress and release
Hips - low down, rotate to offset the chest
Legs - low medium steps
Feet - drag back on the passing position with a low toe flop
Arms - propped up and held to cover the face, light keep alive
Hands - block the face, minimal sway and keep alive


Sleepy Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Sleepy Walk.
Head - dragged downward, minimal bounce and rest
Chest - bent inward, extra side to side sway and twist
Hips - rotate to offset the chest, extra side to side sway
Legs - low, wide varying, steps
Feet - rotated inward, drag back on the passing position, low toe flop
Arms - dangle at the sides with a light swing and sway
Hands - hang downward, slight drag from the swing of the arms and forearms extending into the fingers and thumbs


Stilts Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Stilts Walk.
Head - light bounce
Chest - puffed out, extra side to side sway and twist
Hips - rotate to offset the chest and allow for the next step
Legs - tethered low-medium steps
Feet - drag back lightly on the passing position, little toe drag and flop
Arms - lift and drop, with a small swing
Hands - clench the stilts, drag lightly on the passing position, minimal finger clench


Big Hat Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Big Hat Walk.
Head - extra side to side sway, overlap and drag on the neck and chin
Chest - excess side to side twist and compress
Hips - extra up and down, rotate to offset the chest and favor the next step
Legs - bent inward, wide gait, medium low steps
Feet - rotated inward, drag back on the passing position, small toe flop
Arms - lifted up near the chest, minimal swing
Hands - stretched up near the head, overlap and drag from the swing of the arms and forearms


Hop Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Hop Walk.
Head - bounce and dip downward, chin drags and overlaps
Chest - bent inward, light pull back and compress
Hips - rotate to offset the chest, extra up and down
Legs - small quick bounce
Feet - extra ball roll and settle, drag back on up position, land with a light toe flop
Arms - bent inward, minimal swing and drag on the up position
Hands - light clench, drag and overlap from the swing and drop of the arms and forearms


Wednesday Night Creature Night

Head Strong Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Head Strong Walk.
Head - tipped forward, light pull back and drop
Chest - leaned over, small drag back and compress
Hips - rotate to offset the chest, light up and down
Legs - medium low steps
Feet - drag back with a small toe flop
Arms - pulled back, minimal swing
Hands - clenched, light swing overlapping the movement of the arms and forearms extending into the fingers


Flutter Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Flutter Walk.
Head - light side to side tip and sway
Chest- puffed out, slight compress and twist side to side
Hips - rotate to offset the chest and favor the next step, minimal up and down
Legs - low small steps
Feet - light rotate outward, drag back on the passing position with a little toe flop
Arms - perched up near the side of the chest, minimal swing
Hands - flutter and flap up and down, overlapping the swing of the forearm extending into the fingers


Driving Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Driving Walk.
Head - minimal bounce and lean side to side
Chest - bent inward light side to side compress and twist
Hips - rotate to offset the chest and favor the next step
Legs - medium low steps
Feet - drag back on the passing position with a low toe flop
Arms - Left arm light swing and twist left then right, Right Arm jerks back then swings forward and settles
Hands - light clench, overlap the swing and sway of the arm and forearm, small keep alive on the fingers


Arched Crawl Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is an Arched Crawl Walk.
Head - leaned forward, light bounce on the passing position
Chest - arched back and bent inward, extra twist and sway
Hips - light bounce, rotates to offset the chest and favor the next step
Legs - small low steps
Feet - extra ball roll, drag back on the passing position, minimal toe flop
Arms - prop up the chest
Hands - pressed down on the knuckles, drag back on the passing position, light finger squish


Belt Buckle Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Belt Buckle Walk.
Head - very light bounce
Chest - extra side to side sway and twist
Hips - extra side to side swing and rotate to offset the chest
Legs - small low steps
Feet - rotated outward drag back and flop up with an overlapping toe plop
Arms - extra shoulder raise and lower with exaggerated elbow sways
Hands - clasp the belt buckle, minimal keep alive on the wrists following the movement of the hips, light finger clench


Bowl Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Bowl Walk.
Head - leans forward and flops back
Chest - bent inward light lean back
Hips - rotate to offset the chest light side to side twist and rotate
Legs - low small steps
Feet - drag back on the passing position with a low toe flop
Arms - hold up the bow with a light release and throw back
Hands - left hand helps support the bowl taps it lightly and releases right hand cups the bow, overlaps and drags from the movement of the arm and forearm


Eye Rub Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is an Eye Rub Walk.
Head - bent over, minimal sway and twist side to side
Chest - bent inward, light compress and twist side to side
Hips - rotate to offset the chest and favor the next step
Legs - small low steps
Feet - drag back on the passing position minimal toe flop
Arms - bent and raise up near the head minimal swing and sway
Hands - palms rub the eye sockets rotate and swing to overlap the movement of the arm and forearms extending into the fingers and thumbs

Thursday Morning Creature Morning!


Bobbing Sway Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Bobbing Sway Walk.
Head - light bounce and side to side twist
Chest - bent inward extra side to side twist and sway
Hips - down on the passing position extra side to side lean and rotate
Legs - small low steps
Feet - rotated slightly outward drag back on the passing position with a little toe flop
Arms - held out extra swing side to side
Hands - light clench overlap the swing of the arm and forearm


Urgent Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is an Urgent Walk.
Head - extra bounce with a floppy jaw
Chest - bent inward light compress and release
Hips - rotate to offset the chest and favor the next step
Legs - bent inward, small quick steps
Feet - extra ball roll, drag back on the passing position, light toe flop
Arms - bent inward minimal swing and sway
Hands - hold the groin minimal keep alive, overlapping the swing and sway of the arms and forearms


Quick Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Quick Walk.
Head - light tip inward
Chest - puffed outward light sway and compress side to side
Hips - small up and down, extra rotate and twist to favor the next step
Legs - medium fast steps
Feet - drag back on the passing position, light toe flop
Arms - bent inward medium swing
Hands - light clench, overlap and drag from the swing of the arm and forearm


Devious Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Devious Walk.
Head - light bounce and sway
Chest - curved inward extra twist and sway side to side
Hips - dip down on the passing position, rotate to offset the chest, extra side to side sway
Legs - medium wait gait steps
Feet - drag back on the passing position light toe flop
Arms - held out with a minimal swing
Hands - overlap from the swing of the arm and forearm right hand clenches the knife


Hrumph Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Hrumph Walk.
Head - minimal dip in and bounce
Chest - puffed out light side to side sway and twist
Hips - rotate to favor the next step light side to side
Legs - medium small heavy steps
Feet - drag back on the passing position light stomp with a small toe flop
Arms - extra loose swing
Hands - clenched fists overlap and swing from the movement of the arms and forearms, light overlap on the fingers


Back Scoot Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Back Scoot Walk.
Head - light bounce and stretch
Chest - minimal compress and release
Hips - rotate to offset the chest and favor the next step
Legs - low medium steps
Feet - drag down on the passing position low toe flop
Arms - lay flat and drag behind light side to side sway
Hands - drag along the ground follow the movement of the arm and forearm light sway extending into the fingers


Rolling Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Rolling Walk.
Head - lifts off then squashes down
Chest - pinned and compressed
Hips - squash down with a light lift off
Legs - drag back and squash down
Feet - overlap the movement of the the legs
Arms - held out and around
Hands - hold on tight

Wednesday Night Creature Night (Thursday Morning Edition)


Plow Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Plow Walk.
Head - light bounce and dip
Chest - slightly puffed out light side to side sway, twist and compress
Hips - rotate to offset the chest and favor the next step
Legs - medium low steps
Feet - drag back on the passing position light toe flop
Arms - held out to the sides minimal swing
Hands - hold the plow, light clench on the hand, minimal sway following the movement of the arms


Shovel Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Shovel Walk.
Head - light bounce and side to side sway
Chest - bent over extra side to side twist and compress
Hips - rotate to offset the chest extra side to side twist
Legs - medium wide gait, low small steps
Feet - rotated outward drag back on the passing position light toe flop
Arms - left arm leads the swing and scoop right hand follows
Hands - clench the shovel and follow the movement of the arm and forearm left hand grip is tight, right hand grip is a bit looser


Hand Scoot Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Hand Scoot Walk.
Head - light lean and bounce
Chest - puffed out and pulled back extra side to side twist and compress
Hips - extra up and down and twist to offset the chest
Legs - light sway and drag
Feet - overlap from the sway of the leg and shin extending into the toes
Arms - prop up the body lead the action
Hands - drag back on the passing position little palm flop overlapped by the fingers


Swish Swash Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Swish Swash Walk.
Head - light side to side sway and twist
Chest - extra side to side compress and twist
Hips - extra side to side sway and rotate to favor the next step and offset the chest
Legs - extra side swing on the passing position
Feet - drag back and out on the passing position little toe flop
Arms - medium side to side swing
Hands - swing, overlap and drag from the sway of the arms and forearms extending into the fingers and thumbs


Bounce Step Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Bounce Step Walk.
Head - light bounce and dip on the passing position
Chest - bent inward light compress and twist side to side
Hips - bounce on the passing position twist to offset the chest and rotate to favor the next step
Legs - medium high steps
Feet - drag back and flop down toes drag and overlap
Arms - medium swing
Hands - loose clench overlapping the swing of the arm and forearm


Perilous Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Perilous Walk.
Head - light dip inward and bounce
Chest - bent down and inward light side to side twist and rotate
Hips - extra side to side sway and twist
Legs - small low steps
Feet - rotated inward drag back on the passing position low toe flop
Arms - held out minimal swing
Hands - minimal keep alive overlaps the swing of the arm and forearm extending into the fingers and thumbs


Proper Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Proper Walk.
Head - light lean in and back with a little chin drag
Chest - puffed out extra expand and release
Hips - light bounce and rotate to offset the chest
Legs - extra straight legs snappy contact
Feet - drag back on the passing position light toe flop
Arms - hang down minimal swing
Hands - overlap and drag from the swing of the arm and forearm extending into the fingers and thumbs

Wednesday Night Creature Night!

Too Loud Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a Too Loud Walk.
Head - light side to side sway, chin overlaps and twists
Chest - slight lean inward extra side to side sway and twist
Hips - small up and down and side to side, rotate to offset the chest
Legs - small medium steps
Feet - rotated outward drag back on the passing position flop up and slap down, overlap on the toe
Arms - perched up near the head light swivel and sway
Hands - pressed against the ears, light drag and overlap from the movement of the arms and head extending into the fingers and thumbs


What Walk - Walk a Day

Today's Walk is a What Walk.
Head - tilted to the side and back, tilts further and continues the look back (extra jaw compress and drop)(eyes and eyebrows go from sunken and inquisitive to open and up)
Chest - curved inward with a light compress and release
Hips - twisted to favor the look backward with a little light side to side sway
Legs - medium low steps
Feet - rotate back on the passing position with a bit of toe flop
Arms - dangle downward in a medium swing
Hands - hang down, overlap and drag from the swing of the arm and forearm extending into the fingers and thumbs